Source code for cilissa.metrics

from typing import Optional

import cv2
import numpy as np

from cilissa.helpers import apply_to_channels, crop_array, get_max_pixel_value
from cilissa.images import ImagePair
from cilissa.operations import Metric

[docs] class MSE(Metric): """ Mean squared error (MSE) Average squared difference between the estimated values and the actual value. References: - """ def __init__(self, rmse: bool = False) -> None: self.root_mean_square_error = rmse
[docs] def analyze(self, image_pair: ImagePair) -> float: im1, im2 = image_pair.as_floats() result = np.mean(np.square((im1 - im2)), dtype=np.float64) if self.root_mean_square_error: result = np.sqrt(result) return result
[docs] class PSNR(Metric): """ Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) Ratio between the maximum possible power of a signal and the power of corrupting noise that affects the fidelity of its representation. References: - """ def __init__(self, max_pixel_value: Optional[int] = None) -> None: # Maximum possible pixel value of the image self.max_pixel_value = max_pixel_value
[docs] def analyze(self, image_pair: ImagePair) -> float: dmax = self.max_pixel_value or get_max_pixel_value(image_pair[0].dtype) err = MSE().analyze(image_pair) if err == 0: result = np.inf else: result = 20 * np.log10(dmax) - 10 * np.log10(err) return result
[docs] class SSIM(Metric): """ Structural similarity index measure (SSIM) The SSIM Index quality assessment index is based on the computation of three terms, namely the luminance term, the contrast term and the structural term. The overall index is a multiplicative combination of the three terms. Args: channels_num (int/None): If None, image is assumed to be grayscale (single channel). Otherwise the number of channels should be specified here. Returns: float: Overall quality measure of the entire image (MSSIM) References: - - """ def __init__( self, channels_num: Optional[int] = None, sigma: float = 1.5, truncate: float = 3.5, K1: float = 0.01, K2: float = 0.03, ) -> None: # Number of channels in image self.channels_num = channels_num # Small constants 0 <= K1, K2 <= 1 self.K1 = K1 self.K2 = K2 if self.K1 < 0: raise ValueError("K1 must be positive!") if self.K2 < 0: raise ValueError("K2 must be positive!") # Standard deviation for weighting function, 0 < sigma self.sigma = sigma if self.sigma < 0: raise ValueError("Sigma must be positive!") # Truncate the Gaussian filter at this many standard deviations, 0 < truncate self.truncate = truncate if self.truncate < 0: raise ValueError("Truncate must be positive!")
[docs] def mssim_single_channel(self, im1: np.ndarray, im2: np.ndarray) -> float: dmax = im1.max() dmin = im1.min() drange = dmax - dmin # Compute weighted means using Gaussian weighting function ux = cv2.GaussianBlur(im1, (0, 0), self.sigma) uy = cv2.GaussianBlur(im2, (0, 0), self.sigma) # Compute weighted variances and covariances uxx = cv2.GaussianBlur(im1**2, (0, 0), self.sigma) uyy = cv2.GaussianBlur(im2**2, (0, 0), self.sigma) uxy = cv2.GaussianBlur(im1 * im2, (0, 0), self.sigma) vx = uxx - ux * ux vy = uyy - uy * uy vxy = uxy - ux * uy # Constants to avoid instability when ux**2 + uy**2 are close to zero (formula 7) L = drange C1 = (self.K1 * L) ** 2 C2 = (self.K2 * L) ** 2 # Final form of the SSIM index (formula 13, page 605) A1, A2, B1, B2 = (2 * ux * uy + C1, 2 * vxy + C2, ux**2 + uy**2 + C1, vx + vy + C2) D = B1 * B2 S = (A1 * A2) / D # Avoid edge effects by ignoring filter radius around edges # Pad equal to radius as in scipy gaussian_filter # pad = int(self.truncate * self.sigma + 0.5) return crop_array(S, pad).mean()
[docs] def analyze(self, image_pair: ImagePair) -> float: im1, im2 = image_pair.as_floats() ch_num = self.channels_num or image_pair[0].channels_num result = apply_to_channels(im1, im2, self.mssim_single_channel, ch_num) return result
[docs] class UIQI(Metric): """ Universal Image Quality Index (UIQI) Combines loss of correlation, luminance distortion and contrast distortion. Predecessor of SSIM metric. References: - """ def __init__(self, channels_num: Optional[int] = None, block_size: int = 8) -> None: self.channels_num = channels_num # Sliding window size self.block_size = block_size
[docs] def uiqi_single_channel(self, im1: np.ndarray, im2: np.ndarray) -> float: N = self.block_size**2 im1_sq = im1**2 im2_sq = im2**2 im12 = im1 * im2 unif_filter = np.ones(self.block_size, np.float32) / (self.block_size**2) im1_sum = cv2.filter2D(im1, ddepth=-1, kernel=unif_filter) im2_sum = cv2.filter2D(im2, ddepth=-1, kernel=unif_filter) im1_sq_sum = cv2.filter2D(im1_sq, ddepth=-1, kernel=unif_filter) im2_sq_sum = cv2.filter2D(im2_sq, ddepth=-1, kernel=unif_filter) im12_sum = cv2.filter2D(im12, ddepth=-1, kernel=unif_filter) im12_sum_mul = im1_sum * im2_sum im12_sq_sum_mul = im1_sum**2 + im2_sum**2 numerator = 4 * (N * im12_sum - im12_sum_mul) * im12_sum_mul denominator1 = N * (im1_sq_sum + im2_sq_sum) - im12_sq_sum_mul denominator = denominator1 * im12_sq_sum_mul q_map = np.ones(denominator.shape) index = np.logical_and((denominator1 == 0), (im12_sq_sum_mul != 0)) q_map[index] = (2 * im12_sum_mul[index]) / (im12_sq_sum_mul[index]) index = denominator != 0 q_map[index] = numerator[index] / denominator[index] s = int(self.block_size / 2) return np.mean(q_map[s:-s, s:-s])
[docs] def analyze(self, image_pair: ImagePair) -> float: im1, im2 = image_pair.as_floats() ch_num = self.channels_num or image_pair[0].channels_num result = apply_to_channels(im1, im2, self.uiqi_single_channel, ch_num) return result
[docs] class VIFP(Metric): """ Pixel Based Visual Information Fidelity (VIF-P) Employs natural scene statistical (NSS) models in conjunction with a distortion (channel) model to quantify the information shared between the test and the reference images. The pixel domain algorithm is not described in the paper below. This is a computationally simpler derivative of the algorithm presented in the paper, based on the original Matlab implementation. References: - - """ def __init__(self, channels_num: Optional[int] = None, sigma: float = 2.0) -> None: self.channels_num = channels_num # Variance of the visual noise self.sigma = sigma
[docs] def vifp_single_channel(self, im1: np.ndarray, im2: np.ndarray) -> float: eps = 1e-10 numerator = 0 denominator = 0 for scale in range(1, 5): N = 2 ** (4 - scale + 1) + 1 sd = N / 5.0 if scale > 1: im1 = cv2.GaussianBlur(im1, (0, 0), sd) im2 = cv2.GaussianBlur(im2, (0, 0), sd) mu1 = cv2.GaussianBlur(im1, (0, 0), sd) mu2 = cv2.GaussianBlur(im2, (0, 0), sd) mu1_sq = mu1**2 mu2_sq = mu2**2 mu12 = mu1 * mu2 sigma1_sq = cv2.GaussianBlur(im1**2, (0, 0), sd) - mu1_sq sigma2_sq = cv2.GaussianBlur(im2**2, (0, 0), sd) - mu2_sq sigma12 = cv2.GaussianBlur(im1 * im2, (0, 0), sd) - mu12 sigma1_sq[sigma1_sq < 0] = 0 sigma2_sq[sigma2_sq < 0] = 0 g = sigma12 / (sigma1_sq + eps) sv_sq = sigma2_sq - (g * sigma12) g[sigma1_sq < eps] = 0 sv_sq[sigma1_sq < eps] = sigma2_sq[sigma1_sq < eps] sigma1_sq[sigma1_sq < eps] = 0 g[sigma2_sq < eps] = 0 sv_sq[sigma2_sq < eps] = 0 sv_sq[g < 0] = sigma2_sq[g < 0] g[g < 0] = 0 sv_sq[sv_sq <= eps] = eps numerator += np.sum(np.log10(1 + g**2 * (sigma1_sq / (sv_sq + self.sigma)))) denominator += np.sum(np.log10(1 + (sigma1_sq / self.sigma))) return numerator / denominator
[docs] def analyze(self, image_pair: ImagePair) -> float: im1, im2 = image_pair.as_floats() ch_num = self.channels_num or image_pair[0].channels_num result = apply_to_channels(im1, im2, self.vifp_single_channel, ch_num) return result
[docs] class SAM(Metric): """ Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) Physically-based spectral classification that uses an n-D angle to match pixels to reference spectra. This technique is relatively insensitive to illumination and albedo effects. References: - """ def __init__(self, to_degrees: bool = True) -> None: self.convert_to_degrees = to_degrees
[docs] def analyze(self, image_pair: ImagePair) -> float: im1, im2 = image_pair.as_floats() # Spectral angles are first computed for each pair of pixels numerator = np.sum(im1 * im2, axis=2) denominator = np.linalg.norm(im1, axis=2) * np.linalg.norm(im2, axis=2) val = np.clip(numerator / denominator, -1, 1) sam_angles = np.arccos(val) if self.convert_to_degrees: sam_angles *= 180 / np.pi return np.mean(np.nan_to_num(sam_angles))